With Superstar Rajnikanth at Marina Beach
A gathering of gentlemen... Marina Beach
Tracie and carefull supervision by Paul...
Just....one...more...Diana, in demand on the beach.
Just show up and this happens.

Sidd and fans keeping a respectable distance.....Marina Beach.

No job too small..Sidd masterfully organizing trip routes.

Richard lured out of cricket retirement for a few fast bowls...

First day of cycling about to begin; sunrise at Mahaballipuram...Sidd, Michelle, Diana.

On the Mahaballipuram beach...

Maya and friends, at Mahaballipuram.
Tara and Char, with friend at Mahaballipuram...
Dorothy...avoiding all large rocks, Mahaballipuram
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Mahaballipuram Maya.
Michelle leads along the ridge at Mahaballipuram..
There's Chloe!
Paul, stationary. Not easy moving those legs around outside of actual cycling...
Paul and Peggy, and Tracie ...and..Chloe..and...
Tara, on call at Mahaballipuram.
Still shining!

Robert and Dorothy, Chidambaram.

The always fashionable Rita, near the fabulous Chidambaram tea stall

Supermagnet Tracie at Thanjavur..

Chloe and Laura wait for the last procession, Thanjavur.

Ken, never shy.. whether on the bike ..or at breakfast..
Leading lady Laura heading out of Tanjore..
Kabbadi! A fun tag game, the local team...on the road to Trichy
Robert, who show off his Twister skills...
Richard joins in...

Chloe: I'm not here for the wrestling. Oh no.

Do not get between Laura and a fresh coconut.....

And also on coconut, we have Dorothy..
Pat, always along for wonderful company!

Char and company demonstrate just how calming the tuktuks of Trichy can be..

A Peggy pause. This time on the way up to Rockfort, Trichy.
Over there Ken. Surf's up.
Sidd as the poet.
El grupo 2017...
Sharpshooter Peggy.

Looking for the temple...
Rita chatting up some visitors. Maybe putting an order in for tea...takeaway!
Sammy at Cardamom house describing menu options...butter beans!
I think Sidd's interested...

Char spread Yoga love evenly to all disciples..

After big breakfasts come big naps: Ken.

Pat's purple socks are a first for the steps of Palani temple.

I believe the term is: blending in.

Rita uncovers secrets of India...
Diet Acqua power!!
Ken and tea...

Char and Tara..working their way up through the scenery..
More Ken, more tea!

Char and Tara looking for that 5500 mark.

Joined by Ken...
Peggy not far behind...

Never-a-bad-photo-Dorothy and Robert...

Why yes, I like towels...

The dynamic duo in Cochin...

Made it to Cochin...celebrating the sunset: Char, Susan Tara!

And out of nowhere they appeared...Peggy and an entire Punjabi cricket team.

Kerala is rather easy to take......

Tanuja works henna magic on Maya...


Char with Kalu along the road to the flower market...

With Mother Theresa in Calcutta..

Let's go fly a kite...Dorothy!