How Can I Get in Contact with Dave?
Phone: +1.647.377.2562
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Who is Your Guide?
Dave Trattles has been working as a social documentary photographer and tour guide for over 20 years.
During that time he has recorded and presented stories for CBC, Canadian Geographic. Elle, Maclean's, and many others. He has cycled through 60 countries – but his favourite destination remains India. Over the past 10 years, Dave has logged about 20,000 km through India and has become intimately acquainted with the geography and culture of this beautiful country. Ever energetic, lighthearted and positive, Dave is both an ideal guide and travel companion. Previously, Dave has run 5-week tours for youth in Tunisia, Malta, Sicily and Spain as well as assisted with cycle tours in Corsica, Spain, France and Canada.
Joining Dave on the trip will be two local assistants, Siddhartha and Swapnesh. As well, a South-India Government-approved tour operator (Pioneer Travels) will provide sag wagon amenities.
For more on Dave: